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The Disruptive Nature of Automated 流动性 as a Service

In response to social, demographic 和 technological changes, the car industry is working around the clock to develop self-driving cars. 就像公司 谷歌 和 特斯拉 continue to innovate, automated mobility is poised to become a reality. What socioeconomic changes might accompany the rise of autonomous vehicles? 读一篇 series of potential impacts that Eric Verhulst from MOVE...

通过TH!NK by IBI



In response to social, demographic 和 technological changes, the car industry is working around the clock to develop self-driving cars. 就像公司 谷歌特斯拉 continue to innovate, automated mobility is poised to become a reality. What socioeconomic changes might accompany the rise of autonomous vehicles? 读一篇 series of potential impacts that Eric Verhulst from 前进 proposes as well cases 支持反对 self-driving cars.

*Image from Back to the 未来 III

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