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Is today's school curriculum meeting the tech-savvy needs of Generation Z?




A major difference between Millennials and Gen Z kids is illustrated quite clearly in each of their Instagram accounts. Just having a look at the social media platform can help teachers better understand how to engage with their students. Millennial Instagram accounts often look more like a digital scrapbook with personal photos, 风景图片和名言. For the most part, the millennial Instagram account is a series of photos that tell their story.

这对Z世代有何不同? 打开其中一个账户,你会发现一系列 策划和定制的图像 that paint a picture of how they want to appear-—because their identity is 一个品牌. 从卡戴珊姐妹和其他著名电视真人秀明星那里得到启发, today’s generation sees their online presence as part of their personal brand that can provide both social and capital value. The entrepreneurial spirit within this generation believes that every activity should be altered and modified in order to reflect an “on brand” depiction of what they do and who they are. 如果是这样的话, then what does it mean for traditional adolescent benchmarks like going back to school? Has this annual rite of passage transitioned into a “personal lifestyle campaign” for Gen Z-ers?

想想看. 这一代人只要活着就会赚钱. 如果是这样的话, what could “traditional school” possibly teach students who are already curating and broadcasting their own lives exactly how they want to be received? ? Is today’s curriculum addressing the whole student and meeting their individual needs? 作为一名前教师, 现在他的弟弟自己走到教室前面, 我们讨论了教育下一代的问题. Inspired by our conversation, I want to encourage all of the teachers heading back to school to:


As mentioned previously, students today are creating their own personal brands online. 数字素养 从来没有比这更重要吗. We’re connected to a world that bombards us with choice 24/7, and this is no different for students. 不管主题是什么, incorporating an understanding of digital media should be a part of the curriculum today.

它也应该从很小的时候开始, considering kids as young as 7 years old are engaging with social media and are livestreaming their Xbox games by the time they get home. Take the time to teach students about appropriate sources of information, 网络安全与保障, 分享个人资料, 以及如何减少你的数字足迹. These are lessons that can be incorporated no matter what formal subject matter you may be assigned to teach.


拥有过多的信息, 还有几件事在争夺我们的时间, it is increasingly difficult for people to quiet their minds and be fully aware of ones’ self in the world. It’s important to encourage adolescents to engage in self-reflection and to tune out of the demands of the digital world and other people’s views and expectations. 学习 how to be mindful will help students tap into their own self-conscious and better understand their personal views and expectations. This is particularly important for teenagers as they can even become “病态地对群体进行自我反思, 意识形态, 时尚, 时尚, 以及定义他们是谁或可能成为谁的趋势.” 学习 the tools to help combat these sordid thoughts can be incredibly empowering at this age.  Self-awareness can also aide students in growing awareness of other living things and can help 福斯特 同理心和同情心.


批判性思维是一种垂死的活动. 而不是死记硬背, 做一个教育家,向你的学生提出探索性的问题. Get them to explore relationships that they may not have otherwise found on their own. Difficult questions will help students develop higher level skills according to 布鲁姆的分类. 为了回答他们可能从未想过的问题, 学生们将不得不进行分析, 评估, 形成自己的观点. 这可以发生在STEM和人文学科的课堂上, 但应该在全校范围内进行. 多问问题能培养批判性思考者, 在今天的气候下, 这一点尤为重要.

Heading back to school, today’s teachers have quite a lot on their plate. 他们不仅有责任教育我们的下一代, 但他们也是我们学生最坚定的榜样. 致今年秋天即将返校的所有老师, 谢谢你们帮助我们教育下一代.


图片由 凯利Sikkema on Unsplash


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